Friday, December 7, 2007

God is moving in December!

Greetings to one and all from the month of December!

We've already been blessed with a weekend in Chicago and had some time with family for a successful surgery in Rochester. The Lord is gracious to us. In addition to our family time together God has given the pleasure of working in the lives of students at Wartburg and UNI. Away from the typical requests and praises we'll focus this month on a few stories of what the Lord is doing at Wartburg...

In the last month I have had contact with two men who have been overwhelmingly interested in knowing God more. Typically, students are skeptical of what I do and what I want from them, but our Father has seen fit to give me favor in their eyes.

The first guy, "Ryan", met with me for lunch and videogames in October for over 3 hours. We both enjoyed our time and pledged another meeting later. I took off for St. Louis and The Navigators' National Conference and before I knew it I had yet to get back with him until after Thanksgiving. Not my finest example of following up! In spite of my failings I ran into Ryan in the stairway of one of the dorms two weeks ago and he wanted to know why I hadn't gotten back in contact with him. Not only that, he wanted to get lunch again sometime soon--how about Friday? OK, Sure.

A week ago we sat down over lunch and talked about his life, his past, present and future. For reasons unknown to me God has been opening doors into students' hearts recently. Ryan freely admitted to multiple sins in his life and freely shared them with someone he had, at that point, known for a total of 4 hours. His heart was open to hearing about a Hope that would never fade. We talked at length of the offer Jesus makes to one and all and how Christ had reorganized the priorities of my life and revolutionized the path and destiny of my life. Ryan insisted that he wasn't good enough to yet accept this and needed to sort some things out in his heart and mind. Knowing someone personally who specializes in healing sick people I passed along the promises of Mark 2:17. Since, the Great Physician has been working to replace Ryan's heart of stone with a living regenerated heart of flesh! At the end of our time today, Ryan said, "I know I want to know God more and get that area of my life better. I will do this soon, so, how can I accept Jesus into my heart? What do I have to do?" I responded by telling him of Romans 10:9 and the ABC's-- Admit, Believe & Confess. Praise God.

Also a week ago, I sat down for coffee with "Steve" a junior. {A special note of thanks here to many of you who have been faithfully financially supporting our ministry to make meetings like these possible without a burden on our personal finances. Your giving is reaping an eternal harvest!} Steve has grown up in the church and has really put together quite an impressive resume for himself. Having secured an internship in his field of study and being introduced to numerous contacts he will have his pick of the job opportunity litter. Steve's hard work has paid off. Among Steve's efforts include intentionally each and every day doing something selfless for someone else, or taking special notice of other's good works.

When asked what evidence he had for an invitation into Heaven with God Steve said that he has faith and that he knows that he has been doing a long list of good works. In other words: Faith + Good Works = Salvation. Steve sees what others do with their lives and intentionally makes sure his life is a step or two or three better than theirs, PLUS he has faith in God. In his view, if he were to have one or the other and not both Steve would not be qualified for Heaven but would instead be stuck in purgatory.

Titus 3:5, "He saved us, not because of righteous things we have done, but because of His mercy."

As the picture above alludes we must receive grace not earn it. Steve and I talked about the equation that the Bible lays out for our heavenly invitation, Faith = Salvation = Good Works. Apart from faith in Christ Steve's good deeds may as well be filthy rags in the sight of the Lord. (Is. 64:6) Instead Steve's good works should stem from a faith that is real and is growing, they're a byproduct not an ingredient!

Thomas Schreiner writes that, "legalism has its origin in self-worship. If people are justified through their obedience to the law, then they merit praise, honor and glory. Legalism, in other words, means the glory goes to people rather than God."
- CJ Mahaney "Living the Cross Centered Life" p. 112-113

Steve agreed that this wasn't the way it should work. When I probed into how he best gets to know God better Steve replied again by good works. We then talked of the Bible and how we can't find God where He isn't hiding. He's told us He is speaking to us in the Bible, so we need to look for Him there! Steve was interested and wished he would have understood the truth of the Bible's purpose and composition earlier in his college career. He is eager to meet again once Finals Week is over and time isn't at such a premium. He left by saying, "I hope you can help me answer some of the other questions I have about God." "Well, I'd love to try Steve."

This doesn't even begin to touch the outreach opportunities we have seen with women! If interested, we'd love to share more but in the interest of avoiding carpel tunnel I will sign off.

Friends, thank you so very much for laying the groundwork for these stories by your giving and praying, it is truly a privilege to be laboring with you!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What's Going on in November?

Hello again friends!
While October is typically the busiest month of the year for us, it is almost always the most clear glimpse of how God is working in students' lives! This year was no exception.
As many of you know, the Main Event took place from the 19-21 of the month. 850 students came and heard the message of God's salvation and willingness to restore our relationship with him. As amazing as that number is, what truly makes it fantastic is the individual stories of how God consistently reshapes lives for eternity. Here are a few:
A student in my Thursday night bible study at UNI shared with me that prior to Main Event his life was characterized by coasting spiritually and focusing on his worldly ambitions. He desired to be a light on his track team and with his friends but knew that his actions were only communicating that he was a nice guy. It was frustrating why his light was not clearly shining in others' lives. Enter Main Event. During the weekend God worked in his heart to reveal that his light isn't shining because it isn't possible to give away something that he doesn't have; he didn't have an overflowing ministry because the word was second place in his life. He approached me about this & I've begun to send him text messages at 6 & 7 a.m. to encourage that time alone with God. He now has a renewed vigor and passion for God's working in him through the Scriptures. Isn't that amazing? Since Main Event his priorities have clearly shifted and as a result God has used him in recent days. Last night, he shared how he has already had an opportunity to share the gospel with a friend on his floor. We then sat and talked about tools he can use to do that concisely and effectively! Without God working through Main Event the gospel would not have advanced this week in his dorm.
During our Saturday evening service at Main Event, our speaker gave an invitation to come forward and do some business with God. Two students responded and met with me at the front. "I feel God calling me to follow Him with my life.", one said. "I've accepted Jesus before but I want to recommit to really giving him all I have." Another brought a friend with him and shared how they had just accepted Christ earlier in the year on their campus and they felt God calling them to find other men to seek God with. We prayed for other men who would sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron and hugged as the Lord spoke to each of them.
Thank you for your prayers and support that make impacting students like these possible:
A junior woman responded to our missions message, "I believe I may be living in Japan this summer!"
Through this weekend a sophomore male responded, "I have a vision of how Christ wants me to live a revitalized and loving life. I have learned how to live by humility and with integrity."
Another sophomore responded, "I realized that some of the problem areas in my life I can not handle on my own. I have to give it up to God and seek his will for my life. When I completely surrender then he will provide and lead me in the right way. I also need to spread the joy to those I care about through his power."
May God use these students to reach his creation for Christ. May he take some of these and continue to reach the world through the campus!!
In November would you pray with me for unbelieving students that God would make Proverbs 3:7 true in their lives. "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil." Please pray that they would recognize this as the only way to peace with God and complete joy in life!
Looking forward to another month of laboring beside you,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Praying for courage

Friends & Ministry Partners,

As the Lord leads will you please be praying for our freshman friend at Northern Iowa? We met again today and he acknowledges that God is real and that he believes in him. We even clearly understand the gospel and God's offer to us, however, he still is yet to make a commitment for Christ. I asked how I could pray for him in the next two days before we get together again, his response, "pray for courage". Please do that for him, yes, but also for each one of us- that we would magnify and fear God so supremely that his worth would always be eminently greater than any and all risks that could ever be set before us. Please pray that as Jesus continues to knock on the hearts of the lost that the doors would be opened and He would be allowed in. (Rev. 3:20)

Yours for the Lost,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"He is not far from each one of us"...October Update

Acts 17:27 says that God put the universe together "so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." Here are some of the great ways we have seen God near to us in September and a couple more that we pray He will allow us to see in October!


One of the "H's" we told of earlier, Heather, found an affordable place to stay in town this month AND has joined a bible study in town. We have gotten to see a lot of her and she has become a good friend even going garage sale-ing with Angie once this month. Such a joy.

Hunter and I met again just Tuesday (& will again on Thursday) discussing his standing before God, meeting for about an hour and a half. Hunter repeatedly confirms his understanding of the gospel, his sin, God's wrath and Jesus' solution and is earnestly wrestling with the implications that has on his life.

I, Ben, got to share a workshop at our weekly meeting on reproducing our lives spiritually in others. (Here's the message we listened to, "Born to Reproduce", at that workshop. It's 48 mins, but it is worth the time). Another big blessing has been a weekly study with 6 student leaders at UNI. They have been EAGER to grow in godliness and Jesus is doing great things through them. We have had a wonderful time pursuing Christ on Thursday nights!

Angie has had multiple opportunities this month to have women students over for meals, fellowship and study time! Thank God for her new contacts! Just last night some women who had contacted Angie were over. They decorated sugar cookies while getting to know Angie and each other.


The Main Event happens this month from October 19-21. Prayer calendars have been mailed. Please join us praying for the HUNDREDS that come every year to learn about God in a way that cannot be matched. This is by far the largest Navigator collegiate retreat in the country and for the last 6 years a perennial highlight in our spiritual lives!

Please continue to remember Heather & Hannah as Angie walks beside them each!

That Hunter would come to faith in Christ. We have talked about the magnitude of this decision and the life altering change Jesus brings. Please pray that God, in his mercy, would call Hunter his son this month!

For God to provide our remaining $6,900 in support for 2007-2008.

The Latest Main Event Promo

We showed this video at last week's BASIC (Brothers & Sisters in Christ) meeting at UNI to about 300 students. See anyone you recognize?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

In Grace AND Truth?

I've had this blog up for some time now and have never really posted about why it has been emblazoned, "In Grace & Truth". There's no time like the present & I suppose I should at least bring it up, if ever so briefly.

If I'm honest, there was no theologically astute reasoning behind why I chose the title I chose. It sounded "blog-ish". I had been recently inspired by another staff couples' website, In All Things. Their page takes its' name from Romans 8:28, which says that God works in all things for the good of those who love him. Sounded like a good idea to run with (or blatantly rip off).

Please feel honored, Inouyes.

Lo and behold, John 1:14 popped into my head and sounded "good" to me. Long story short, I'm just now being to scratch the surface of how above and beyond my meager comprehension this title is.

So what does it mean that Jesus came full of grace and truth? To me it gives backbone to the truism: that if I have no great sin, Christ is no great savior.

How can we accurately (even through a glass dimly) appreciate God's grace if we don't know the truth of what his grace saves us from? How can I go on for the next 5 minutes without being destroyed by the truth of my shortcomings before an infinitely holy, righteous, EVERYTHING God if there is no grace? His wrath is as real as His love. His love is as real as His vengeance. Every characteristic and quality God possesses is completely consistent and equal to one another because He is holy.

{potential let down coming}

Instead of espousing my opinion further and giving you a free (probably below average) sermon, I will now put my trust in letting this post (& the blog as a whole) be a point of encouragement to you. After all, I didn't initiate this blog to bless you with my wisdom, or play to my pride-- which doesn't need any help-- but instead to keep you updated on what God is doing in the ministry and to encourage you by pointing you to Him. (As you may know, "He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.")

Hopefully by broaching this subject here you will individually open the Word and hear from a much more reliable source why it is that Jesus was full of Grace And Truth.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wait No Longer!

OCT. 19-21, 2007
The Riverview Conference Center
Cedar Falls, IA

Up to 1,000 students from across the Midwest will be coming to worship God, engage with their peers, discern his will for their lives and SEEK HIS FACE!

Check your mail boxes for our Main Event prayer calendar & please be praying that this would again be a life impacting and Christ exalting weekend for all involved. Won't you join us in promoting the grace and truth of the Gospel through your intercession? Stay tuned...there will be more coming...

Here's last year's promo video, just to whet your appetite...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Update

Got some news to report of God's provision and working!
On Monday I posted about our day of H's on Tuesday-- Heather, Hunter & Hannah. Here's a status report:
Hunter brought along another freshman to our meeting, Jake. Jake, Hunter & I ate supper in the Union and discussed the gospel further. The 3 of us had a great discussion talking about our sin problem (bad news) and Christ's redemption (Great news!). Hunter especially grew more interested as our time progressed. They both understood the message and said that it made sense. At the end of our time Hunter said, "I just want to read that book now and see what is in it." I encouraged that and the 3 of us are getting together again next Tuesday having read the 1st Chapter of John, with questions ready to talk about it. Praise Jesus!
Heather was in need of $390 for a deposit to get into an apartment here in town. This will enable her to flee her relationship that had gone south and start over. A couple local churches have agreed to pick up close to $300 of that expense and be a visible sign of Christ to her. So encouraging! We called and told her today that the money was taken care of and she said that God must be really looking out for her, or if not her, at least for her daughter! She told Angie (again) that she was excited to start meeting with her to dig into the bible study Angie put together for her. Here's the understatement of the year: GOD IS GOOD!
Hannah met with Angie at the park last Tuesday and they're going to get together every week! We don't know where Hannah is spiritually, yet. She's 18 and living here with her boyfriend after following him from HAWAII and really relishes a chance to have made a friend in town.
I've got no idea why God is deciding to use us, as we are probably the least qualified to do his work, but it is GREAT to see Him at work and building His kingdom! A-mazing.
Thanks for YOUR labor for Him. I can't wait to hear stories of how he continues to further His name & renown this year!!
For Jesus,
Ben (& Angie)

Monday, September 10, 2007

pray, pray, pray

Would you please be in prayer for the following lives Jesus is calling to himself? Would you please remember Rev. 3:19-20 for these lives today and tomorrow?
Tomorrow evening, I will be meeting with Hunter, to continue talking about Christ and the Gospel. Last Tuesday I shared the gospel with Hunter in his dorm room. He expressed interest in hearing more about Christianity. Pray that he would recognize the validity of Christianity apart from all other religions.
This morning we received a knock on our door from a young woman we met last year. God is clearly knocking on the door of her heart. She has accepted Christ and recognized her need, but there is a difficult road ahead as she turns from a life spent apart from God. Please pray that she would recognize that God disciplines those he loves and that even though painful, he is completely transforming her for her good. May God give her a humble heart to repent and earnestly seek him.
Praying with you for the Lost,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday Prayer Request

If the Lord leads you to pray, tonight Brian (a student) & I will be on campus at UNI to share the Gospel with 3 students who desired to hear how they could be 100% certain that they are going to go to Heaven.

Please pray that God would ordain our meetings, clearing their schedules and making them available to hear His life giving Truth. Please also pray for clarity of speech and a compassionate heart for the lost!

Septiembre Ministry Minute!

We hope that the first few days of September have treated you well. Our schedules have gotten a lot busier with UNI coming back to school a couple of weeks ago and Wartburg starting yesterday! We are so excited to dive back in with students we know from last year and ones we have just met this year. Thanks for your continued prayers. Here are some specifics to help guide you as you think of us:
  • The Panther Party on 8/19 and Bowling Bonanza on 8/24 were successes. At the Panther Party, even after the rain started God still provided new contacts that we were able to meet and we (and the student leaders) are now following up with many who expressed interest.
  • Our first NavNight at UNI brought about 250 students together to worship and hear about the Navigators calling to "advance the gospel of Jesus". Over half of these were freshmen, it is a HUGE blessing to have such interest from first year students.
  • The other half of our Wartburg team (The Nelson's) returned safely from Colorado. Angie & Katie have really enjoyed some quality fellowship time with one another. We are so excited to be united with them again as we minister to students together for God's glory at Wartburg.
  • Over 200 students took a Spiritual Survey at UNI in the past two weeks, and over NINETY of them have indicated interest in hearing about the main theme of the Bible. Student leaders and staff have been following up with them this past week.
  • For the 90+ students who will clearly hear the Gospel presented to them in the coming days that they would eagerly grasp its Truth and gain new life in Christ! (John 3:5-7, 1 John 5:11,12)
  • That the students we invest in would be faithful, available, and teachable so that the Word could penetrate their hearts. Hebrews 4:12
  • That we would be a living example to the students we work with as to what it means to know Christ and make him known in our community, our church, and everyday lives and that it would be written on their hearts to live that way as well. 2 Corinthians 3:3
  • That as our schedules become busier that we would not forsake our first Love and run to Jesus first thing each day. Revelation 2:4

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Check out Caleb!

This was Caleb when he was first learning how to crawl. For some reason this young man loves the remote control! We'll have another ministry minute up in a couple days! Enjoy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

August Ministry Minute

Wait a second...August? August ministry minute? Nah, that can't be right...
In spite of my disbelief of what the calendar tells me here is an update of how God has been good in the last month and how we pray He will bring glory to Himself in the next one:

  • We were able to spend a few hours with another one of the guys in our ministry that has been home for summer but returned for a couple days. God is on the move in Brent's life and shining light on the places that will, by His grace, show themselves to be strength's in his growing faith.
  • We had zero trouble gallivanting around the Midwest visiting friends & family the second week of the July. It is encouraging to be reminded how big God is--He's working in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio AND Michigan :) (Sorry, Indiana...we didn't stop there!)
  • We're hovering around the 80% mark of our funding for next year and have been cleared to report to campus if we finish the next three weeks strong!
  • The Panther Party August 19th at Northern Iowa. This is our biggest and best chance to reach students- especially freshmen. Would you pray that He would add students to His Kingdom on this day and not just our ministry?
  • A rekindling of relationships with students at Wartburg. While they don't return to campus until September, please pray that they would know that they are valued and that we're excited to see them again! "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us." 1 Thess. 2:8
  • That our heart, soul, mind and strength would, "in humility consider others better than ourselves." Phil 2:3
  • We have $11,000 of need before school starts. While this seems to be a big deal to us; this is small potatoes for the God of the universe. Please pray that God would show himself to be the God of Ephesians 3:20 & that through His work all would know that only God is capable and recognize Him for who He is.
  • For a strengthened relationship with the churches in Waverly, that we would together reach students for Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12
James 4:2 has been challenging me the last few days, "You do not have, because you do not ask God." We pray that this would never be true in any of our lives. God Bless.

Ben & Angie

Friday, July 27, 2007

"Hey, self, listen up!"

Reminding ourselves of the gospel is the most important daily habit we can establish. If the gospel is the most vital news in the world, and if salvation by grace is the defining truth of our existence, we should create ways to immerse ourselves in these truths every day. No days off allowed.
In his book The Discipline of Grace Jerry Bridges calls this "preaching the gospel to yourself." Don't worry- even if you don't consider yourself a public speaker, you can do this. Your audience is your own heart. And the message is simple: Christ died for your sins. "To preach the gospel to yourself, "Bridges explains, "means that you continually own up to your own sinfulness and then flee to Jesus through faith in His shed blood and righteous life."
It's a matter of sitting yourself down, grabbing your own attention, and saying, "Hey, self, listen up! This is what matters most: You're forgiven! You have hope! Your hope is based on the sacrifice of Jesus. So let's not view this day any other way. Let this day be governed by this one defining truth."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're Back & Going to Campus!

Thanks to all of you who prayed for us on our recent trip to Chicago, Michigan & Ohio. It was a great time for us to see long lost family & friends, including a few new additions, & share about what God is doing here in Waverly through this ministry.

A few highlights included spending an afternoon at the Toledo Zoo last Thursday with Jeff & Gretchen & zipping around town in a sweet Corvette with a different Jeff. Holy Horsepower!
Caleb thoroughly enjoyed his sunscreen bottle at the zoo, only paying attention to the exhibit of gorillas out of all the animals we saw all day, but he did take his first steps crawling before we got back home. Our staircase is now barricaded effectively, I assure you!

In recent blog news, I've added a new slide show that will stick around where our old picture was. Almost all of the photos are from our recent trip, so be sure to check them out.

ALSO, make sure to take notice of God's provision by looking at our updated funding tracker! Now that we hit the 75% mark we have been cleared for campus this fall officially. We still need another $12,000 to take care of all of our need and we'd ask you to continue to pray for that in the next month, but the Lord has provided mightily for us thus far. God is most definitely good and we continue to trust Him for all that we need. Philippians 4:19 says, "and my God will meet ALL your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." We know this verse is true and work earnestly to see how He fulfills this promise. As we continue to do what must be done we begin to return our minds to reaching students with the life giving truth of the Gospel and that's something we're all excited about!

Monday, July 2, 2007

July Ministry Minute!

A premature Happy Fourth of July to you!
Thanks again for your prayers in June. Here are a few things the Lord has been doing as a result of your faithful and effective praying! (James 5:16)
  • God has provided a new contact in Waverly who works at Wartburg & has a heart for missions and for making the Truth known there. Please pray for mutual encouragement and a sound relationship to form in the next month. (Ro. 15:5)
  • He has been very kind in giving new financial partners to our growing ministry. (Phil. 4:19)
  • Incoming Freshmen Orientation at UNI went very well! We now have a database of over 200 names to contact in the fall to get involved in our weekly bible studies and meetings! Pray that God would grab the heart of these students and they would use their college years to grow closer to God. (Hosea 10:12)
  • Times with Brian have been a blessing. We have had multiple times this last month to meet and open the Word together. Pray for the book of James to bring conviction and encouragement to his (& our) faith. (Ro. 15:4)
  • Two different friends have given us the name of an incoming freshmen girl to Wartburg next year. Please pray for God's hand to work out a relationship for Angie & Brittany this September, if not sooner, that they may strive after the Living God. (1 Tim 4:10)
  • Please pray for the Snow Mountain Ranch Summer Training Program in Colorado. Pray for the continued safety of fellow Nav Staff members the Brown's & the Nelson's. Please also lift up the students there that in the 5 weeks remaining God would set His Word in them & that it will make a mark on their lives that will last into eternity. (Jer. 20:9)
  • As we continue raising our support, we have made steady gains in raising new support but have made slow headway with our pre-existing partners. That we may get to campus on time, please pray that God would stir in the hearts again of the people who gave a gift in 2006 and that He would lead them to respond to His call in a timely manner. (1 Thess. 5:24; 2 Cor. 9:7)
  • For safe travel as we go to Ohio & Michigan this month from the 10th - 16th.
Our prayer for each of YOU in the month of July:
Col. 3:15-17

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

God Bless,
Ben & Angie Krueger
The Navigators Staff

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What's So Good About Marriage?

On my trip to Colorado a few weeks back I began reading Randy Newman's book "Questioning Evangelism". While teaching me ways to engage people's hearts much more conversationally, he covers topics that he has found common through over 20 years as a staff member of Campus Crusade. However, instead of giving you my synopsis, I'll save some time and direct you to an accurate review of this book.

From what I read today, a chapter entitled, "What's So Good About Marriage?" I found this paragraph worthy of passing on:

Marriage makes us better because it shows us how bad we are. Lifelong, unconditional commitment makes us more giving because it exposes how selfish we are. Loving someone who doesn't deserve love makes us more like the God who loved us "while we were still sinners" (Romans 5:8). Unlike any other tool, then, marriage drives home the two-pronged message of the gospel: that we are 'more wicked and sinful than we ever dared believe but, in Christ, we are more accepted and loved than we ever dared hope.' (Newman, p.186)

To read another excerpt from his book, try this link:

Randy Newman Excerpt

Or if you want to spend the $8 on a good book

Monday, June 4, 2007

June 07 Ministry Minute

Welcome to Summer!

We are eager to keep the ball rolling with our ministry as we transition from a time with students to getting all our ducks in a row for another year on campus. Here are the latest happenings for the last month and some things to pray for in June. Thanks for praying!

  • We have students staying in town for the summer that we will be able to continue investing in.
  • I have been making new contacts with students that are here for the summer or will be returning to Wartburg in the fall! Please pray for Nate & David.
  • Our support raising has gone well to date and we have enjoyed hearing how God has been working in lives all over the country. Thank God for new friends he has introduced us to in the last year. We are blessed!
  • Caleb checked out well this week @ his 6 mo. appt. 28 1/2 " & 19' 6 oz.
Please pray for:
  • God to provide our funds for next year by Aug. 18th. (If you want to keep track of how he is providing and the progress we're making, I've added a chart on the lower right hand side of our blog,
  • God would continue his work in the hearts of students this summer while they are at home. Pray that his word would be like a fire burning inside them-- Jeremiah 20:9.
  • A deeper dedication to his word and the forming of new habits to bring us closer to Him.
  • Safety as we travel this month
  • Incoming freshmen at UNI. This month incoming freshmen begin orientation and it is our first chance to make contacts with them and recruit for the fall!

Friday, June 1, 2007

New Attitude

Hey! I'm currently listening to Eric Simmons' message entitled 'Discern the Graymatters' from the New Attitude Conference in Louisville this May. Check it out to hear why in life there is no such thing as "gray". It's some GOOOOD stuff so I just want to pass along the link where you can get ALL of the messages from the whole conference for free! If you get some time there are also messages from CJ Mahaney, Josh Harris, Mark Dever, Al Mohler & John Piper.

Here's a video from someone who was at the conference this last weekend on YouTube.

Oh and while I've got your attention...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Greetings From the Glen!

Hello from Colorado Springs, CO!

This past week I've had the opportunity to get together with other EDGEcorps staffers from across the country for a time of relaxation, refreshment, training & fun. While Caleb & Mom were still at home for the week, I thought it'd be good to share some of the highlights from the week here.

First off these summits are quite the priviledge as we get to hear first hand about what God is doing all across the country at campuses big (everyone else's) & small (ours!). My soul has been deeply encouraged to hear of the work God is doing at The University of Cincinnati through Rich. The last year, Rich had 30 guys come to a small group bible study the first week of school; from those 30, 8 agreed to deeply, intentionally & sacrificially pursue Christ with their whole being. To hear Rich talk of the years' worth of maturation he has seen in each individual in only a few months is a great testament to what God will do when we pursue Him with all of our heart (Deut 6). This doesn't even begin to touch on what He's been doing through Michelle @ ASU, Brandon & Katie @ NDSU, Luke @ ISU, and Mikey @ UCLA.

How fantastic that God not only gave His son to absolve us of His wrath but on top of that He showers and pours blessings upon blessings that we may have even just a smidgen of a role in His eternal plans. We were enemies and now we're his instruments? Talk about a role reversal.

As for the real meat of our time here at The Glen, we've been treated to workshops on the following topics and maybe in time I'll put notes up as a seperate post:

  • God's Heart For the World
  • A Men's Lunch on Husbandry
  • Spiritual Multiplication
  • The Navs' Metro Mission
  • Authority of Scripture
  • Discipleship (A highlight: "God doesn't show up when I enter a room [to meet with a student]. God is ALWAYS at work right where you are [& aren't]" -Roger Hamilton)
  • What Is Personal Character? (Prov. 16:13)
  • Fundraising/Ministry Building

However, out of all that I've seen, heard & learned this morning had to be one of the top highlights; Jerry Bridges gave the morning devotion. His topic, "The Love Of God". It didn't go unnoticed by me that one of the most theologically astute people on the planet chose a title so commonplace. Makes me think that there is something worth re-evaluating in the "basics".

Jerry's passage for the day was Genesis 22. In this chapter Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his son Isaac-- only God stops him just before the moment of truth. How much of a relief must it have been for Abraham to be able to spare his only son from certain death? How much moreso when you consider that Abraham had been promised by God that he was going to be the father of a mighty nation and that Isaac was his only shot at seeing that promised fulfilled? How much moreso when you remember that Abraham was pushing 100 and had been longing for his heir for decades?

In this story, Mr. Bridges pointed our 3 similarities between Isaac & Jesus.

  1. Isaac & Jesus were only sons.
  2. Both were loved by their fathers. Abe - Isaac, God - Jesus.
  3. Isaac was named by God, as was Jesus.

However there is one big difference:

Romans 8:32, "He who did not spare His own son, but gave him up for us all..."

Jesus was not spared, Isaac was. This fact should not be taken lightly. God doesn't even spare angels when they sin (2 Pete 2) nor his Son (Ro 8:32, above). God deliberately delivered Jesus to crucify Him. God allowed Judas to go the way of his natural sinful self & Judas "took the money and ran" betraying the Christ. Jesus was not spared, I was.

To illustrate the measure to which God loves us Jerry told this story:

In the mountains of India a tourist bus was winding through a mountainous roadway allowing its' passengers to soak up all the native scenery. Upon the descent down the mountain the local driver the bus notices a problem- the brakes had failed. Having an entire bus load full of strangers only wanting a serene experience, he skillfully navigates the vehicle down the one way road. Twisting and turning down the mountain the driver picks up speed and heads towards the bridge over the river into a local village. As they approach the bridge the driver notices a small girl playing on the road blocking the bridge. Faced with a decision to ditch the bus in the river and lose his passengers or plow on through the girl and over the bridge the driver drives on. Steamrolling closer and closer the driver continues on the road over the bridge and the bus slows to a stop in the village, horrifically taking the girl's life in the process. After having witnessed the event the passengers grew indignant at the driver.

"How could you so coldheartedly take the life of this innocent girl?" they scoffed. "What is the matter with you that you could snuff out her life so blatantly?"

"This is my village" the driver humbly replied, "and that was my daughter."

1 John 3:1 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! "

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Checking the Gauges?

Are you running on 'E' in your spiritual gas tank? Check out this blog for reasons to persist in your daily walk and some helpful tips to do it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Don't Waste Your Life"

I read this book when I was in college. Today I found that they have put up a new website and extension ministry of Desiring God to build and encourage people to make their lives count for the glory of God. It was a challenging resource to me, I had to make sure you knew about it!

The task of missions is yours. It's mine.

Dr. Piper says there are three types of people in the world regarding the task of reaching the 1.6 billion people in the world without an evangelistic mission among them for Jesus: 1) Goers 2) Senders 3) Disobedient.

Which are you? What is your role?
Begin answering the questions of how you can make your life count, how you can fulfill God's purpose for your life. is a great place to start. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

Download the book for free here
Watch the promo video
Listen to the audio sermon

Ephesians 1:3-14

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4 even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. 11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Opening Day, Applebee's & The Goodness of God

Here we are one day removed from, in my opinion, the 2nd greatest day of the year - Opening Day, the first day of a new baseball season. (I say 2nd greatest, but really it's like 5th with anniversaries and my wife's birthday, although I would rank it ahead of my own.) You heard it here first, the Reds will be over .500 this year, the 6 year skid of losing seasons will end. So now that it is conclusive that God is good...on to Applebee's :)

Had the priviledge of enjoying a boys night out over a nice slab of cow with a couple of guys from our Sunday School class tonight. Kyle & Joey really made my day, it was great to swap work stories and hear what life is like for Joey especially, outside of 2 hours on Sunday mornings. Hearing what people with "real" jobs go through M-F made me realize and appreciate again the agony and struggle we must bear as a result of sin. Most of my stories were from the longest 6 months of my life, aka while I worked at Dillard's (don't!). The goodness of God here is that He loved me enough to put me at Dillard's a year and a half ago. Through this my character would be built and tested and I would further steel my convictions to the desperate situation people are in away from Jesus. Without living through that I may not have the level of desire & want to do what I'm doing today. My only wish is that I can get to the end of my life look back and see very few opportunities that I missed to share the Gospel. If only I could live that out more and do more to reach more today!

So in summary, I can't express how much appreciation I have for what Jesus did on that cross. And how much I still don't get it and how much I live each day like it didn't happen!! I was so desperate for some peace at Dillard's- and can relate to the folks Joey works with and what he does day in and day out. All this just makes me marvel at how far from perfect we are-- how far from God we are, and how far He had to come how low He had to stoop to come to us. People ask why bad things happen and why God doesn't do something about it, something to show mercy and save us. He did, His name is Jesus.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Secret

Anyone else hear about "The Secret" & The Center for Universal Truth?

"Because of the The Secret, there is renewed interest in the ancient wisdom and principles that are discussed in the film. As the panel of experts in the film suggests, these teachings are available to all who seek them. At The Center for Universal Truth, we learn, practice and live by these principles." (

The Secret has recently been bandied about here at the Krueger household and also with another couple friend of ours as we saw the segment on Oprah about this new craze that people are buying into across the nation.

Here are my thoughts...

2 Tim 4:2-5, "Preach the Word: be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage- with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine (like this?). Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers (say 24?) to say what their itching ears want to hear ("This is The Secret to everything - the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted." ). They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist..."

One final word: "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness & worldly passions, and live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope- the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ," Titus 2:11-13

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Knowing the Holy...

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us...the most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like." ~A.W. Tozer

Your view of God will either add unending hope to your life or neverending desparity. With Him, you have a rock to lean upon, a shelter to huddle under, a defender to depend upon, and a Father to call you Home.

Without Him, life revolves solely around you, a finite being with a longing for eternity (Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He has also put eternity in the hearts of men."). The struggle can be over if as the people in 2 Chronicles 32:24 did you will humble yourself before Him.

What will it be today?

Welcome to the Blog

So, I guess, here goes nothing... Welcome to our blog!

I wanted to get this started so that you our friends & family would have a place to stay in contact with us and hear the latest of life here in Iowa. Hopefully from this, assuming I'm able to keep a good amount of updating done on here, you will go away encouraged at what God is showing us as we desire to "Know Him & Make Him Known". While most updates will be everyday ins n outs, I hope that at some point each post will direct us back to Him. Hopefully this will be a place for you to know Him & us more!

God Bless,
B for A & C

Friday, February 2, 2007

Welcome to our Ministry Update Blog!

Check back here for the latest happenings with our ministry!!

We'll see you soon--

Ben & Angie