Thursday, September 6, 2007

Septiembre Ministry Minute!

We hope that the first few days of September have treated you well. Our schedules have gotten a lot busier with UNI coming back to school a couple of weeks ago and Wartburg starting yesterday! We are so excited to dive back in with students we know from last year and ones we have just met this year. Thanks for your continued prayers. Here are some specifics to help guide you as you think of us:
  • The Panther Party on 8/19 and Bowling Bonanza on 8/24 were successes. At the Panther Party, even after the rain started God still provided new contacts that we were able to meet and we (and the student leaders) are now following up with many who expressed interest.
  • Our first NavNight at UNI brought about 250 students together to worship and hear about the Navigators calling to "advance the gospel of Jesus". Over half of these were freshmen, it is a HUGE blessing to have such interest from first year students.
  • The other half of our Wartburg team (The Nelson's) returned safely from Colorado. Angie & Katie have really enjoyed some quality fellowship time with one another. We are so excited to be united with them again as we minister to students together for God's glory at Wartburg.
  • Over 200 students took a Spiritual Survey at UNI in the past two weeks, and over NINETY of them have indicated interest in hearing about the main theme of the Bible. Student leaders and staff have been following up with them this past week.
  • For the 90+ students who will clearly hear the Gospel presented to them in the coming days that they would eagerly grasp its Truth and gain new life in Christ! (John 3:5-7, 1 John 5:11,12)
  • That the students we invest in would be faithful, available, and teachable so that the Word could penetrate their hearts. Hebrews 4:12
  • That we would be a living example to the students we work with as to what it means to know Christ and make him known in our community, our church, and everyday lives and that it would be written on their hearts to live that way as well. 2 Corinthians 3:3
  • That as our schedules become busier that we would not forsake our first Love and run to Jesus first thing each day. Revelation 2:4

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