Thursday, September 27, 2007

In Grace AND Truth?

I've had this blog up for some time now and have never really posted about why it has been emblazoned, "In Grace & Truth". There's no time like the present & I suppose I should at least bring it up, if ever so briefly.

If I'm honest, there was no theologically astute reasoning behind why I chose the title I chose. It sounded "blog-ish". I had been recently inspired by another staff couples' website, In All Things. Their page takes its' name from Romans 8:28, which says that God works in all things for the good of those who love him. Sounded like a good idea to run with (or blatantly rip off).

Please feel honored, Inouyes.

Lo and behold, John 1:14 popped into my head and sounded "good" to me. Long story short, I'm just now being to scratch the surface of how above and beyond my meager comprehension this title is.

So what does it mean that Jesus came full of grace and truth? To me it gives backbone to the truism: that if I have no great sin, Christ is no great savior.

How can we accurately (even through a glass dimly) appreciate God's grace if we don't know the truth of what his grace saves us from? How can I go on for the next 5 minutes without being destroyed by the truth of my shortcomings before an infinitely holy, righteous, EVERYTHING God if there is no grace? His wrath is as real as His love. His love is as real as His vengeance. Every characteristic and quality God possesses is completely consistent and equal to one another because He is holy.

{potential let down coming}

Instead of espousing my opinion further and giving you a free (probably below average) sermon, I will now put my trust in letting this post (& the blog as a whole) be a point of encouragement to you. After all, I didn't initiate this blog to bless you with my wisdom, or play to my pride-- which doesn't need any help-- but instead to keep you updated on what God is doing in the ministry and to encourage you by pointing you to Him. (As you may know, "He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.")

Hopefully by broaching this subject here you will individually open the Word and hear from a much more reliable source why it is that Jesus was full of Grace And Truth.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wait No Longer!

OCT. 19-21, 2007
The Riverview Conference Center
Cedar Falls, IA

Up to 1,000 students from across the Midwest will be coming to worship God, engage with their peers, discern his will for their lives and SEEK HIS FACE!

Check your mail boxes for our Main Event prayer calendar & please be praying that this would again be a life impacting and Christ exalting weekend for all involved. Won't you join us in promoting the grace and truth of the Gospel through your intercession? Stay tuned...there will be more coming...

Here's last year's promo video, just to whet your appetite...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Update

Got some news to report of God's provision and working!
On Monday I posted about our day of H's on Tuesday-- Heather, Hunter & Hannah. Here's a status report:
Hunter brought along another freshman to our meeting, Jake. Jake, Hunter & I ate supper in the Union and discussed the gospel further. The 3 of us had a great discussion talking about our sin problem (bad news) and Christ's redemption (Great news!). Hunter especially grew more interested as our time progressed. They both understood the message and said that it made sense. At the end of our time Hunter said, "I just want to read that book now and see what is in it." I encouraged that and the 3 of us are getting together again next Tuesday having read the 1st Chapter of John, with questions ready to talk about it. Praise Jesus!
Heather was in need of $390 for a deposit to get into an apartment here in town. This will enable her to flee her relationship that had gone south and start over. A couple local churches have agreed to pick up close to $300 of that expense and be a visible sign of Christ to her. So encouraging! We called and told her today that the money was taken care of and she said that God must be really looking out for her, or if not her, at least for her daughter! She told Angie (again) that she was excited to start meeting with her to dig into the bible study Angie put together for her. Here's the understatement of the year: GOD IS GOOD!
Hannah met with Angie at the park last Tuesday and they're going to get together every week! We don't know where Hannah is spiritually, yet. She's 18 and living here with her boyfriend after following him from HAWAII and really relishes a chance to have made a friend in town.
I've got no idea why God is deciding to use us, as we are probably the least qualified to do his work, but it is GREAT to see Him at work and building His kingdom! A-mazing.
Thanks for YOUR labor for Him. I can't wait to hear stories of how he continues to further His name & renown this year!!
For Jesus,
Ben (& Angie)

Monday, September 10, 2007

pray, pray, pray

Would you please be in prayer for the following lives Jesus is calling to himself? Would you please remember Rev. 3:19-20 for these lives today and tomorrow?
Tomorrow evening, I will be meeting with Hunter, to continue talking about Christ and the Gospel. Last Tuesday I shared the gospel with Hunter in his dorm room. He expressed interest in hearing more about Christianity. Pray that he would recognize the validity of Christianity apart from all other religions.
This morning we received a knock on our door from a young woman we met last year. God is clearly knocking on the door of her heart. She has accepted Christ and recognized her need, but there is a difficult road ahead as she turns from a life spent apart from God. Please pray that she would recognize that God disciplines those he loves and that even though painful, he is completely transforming her for her good. May God give her a humble heart to repent and earnestly seek him.
Praying with you for the Lost,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday Prayer Request

If the Lord leads you to pray, tonight Brian (a student) & I will be on campus at UNI to share the Gospel with 3 students who desired to hear how they could be 100% certain that they are going to go to Heaven.

Please pray that God would ordain our meetings, clearing their schedules and making them available to hear His life giving Truth. Please also pray for clarity of speech and a compassionate heart for the lost!

Septiembre Ministry Minute!

We hope that the first few days of September have treated you well. Our schedules have gotten a lot busier with UNI coming back to school a couple of weeks ago and Wartburg starting yesterday! We are so excited to dive back in with students we know from last year and ones we have just met this year. Thanks for your continued prayers. Here are some specifics to help guide you as you think of us:
  • The Panther Party on 8/19 and Bowling Bonanza on 8/24 were successes. At the Panther Party, even after the rain started God still provided new contacts that we were able to meet and we (and the student leaders) are now following up with many who expressed interest.
  • Our first NavNight at UNI brought about 250 students together to worship and hear about the Navigators calling to "advance the gospel of Jesus". Over half of these were freshmen, it is a HUGE blessing to have such interest from first year students.
  • The other half of our Wartburg team (The Nelson's) returned safely from Colorado. Angie & Katie have really enjoyed some quality fellowship time with one another. We are so excited to be united with them again as we minister to students together for God's glory at Wartburg.
  • Over 200 students took a Spiritual Survey at UNI in the past two weeks, and over NINETY of them have indicated interest in hearing about the main theme of the Bible. Student leaders and staff have been following up with them this past week.
  • For the 90+ students who will clearly hear the Gospel presented to them in the coming days that they would eagerly grasp its Truth and gain new life in Christ! (John 3:5-7, 1 John 5:11,12)
  • That the students we invest in would be faithful, available, and teachable so that the Word could penetrate their hearts. Hebrews 4:12
  • That we would be a living example to the students we work with as to what it means to know Christ and make him known in our community, our church, and everyday lives and that it would be written on their hearts to live that way as well. 2 Corinthians 3:3
  • That as our schedules become busier that we would not forsake our first Love and run to Jesus first thing each day. Revelation 2:4