Greetings to one and all from the month of December!
We've already been blessed with a weekend in Chicago and had some time with family for a successful surgery in Rochester. The Lord is gracious to us. In addition to our family time together God has given the pleasure of working in the lives of students at Wartburg and UNI. Away from the typical requests and praises we'll focus this month on a few stories of what the Lord is doing at Wartburg...
In the last month I have had contact with two men who have been overwhelmingly interested in knowing God more. Typically, students are skeptical of what I do and what I want from them, but our Father has seen fit to give me favor in their eyes.
The first guy, "Ryan", met with me for lunch and videogames in October for over 3 hours. We both enjoyed our time and pledged another meeting later. I took off for St. Louis and The Navigators' National Conference and before I knew it I had yet to get back with him until after Thanksgiving. Not my finest example of following up! In spite of my failings I ran into Ryan in the stairway of one of the dorms two weeks ago and he wanted to know why I hadn't gotten back in contact with him. Not only that, he wanted to get lunch again sometime soon--how about Friday? OK, Sure.
A week ago we sat down over lunch and talked about his life, his past, present and future. For reasons unknown to me God has been opening doors into students' hearts recently. Ryan freely admitted to multiple sins in his life and freely shared them with someone he had, at that point, known for a total of 4 hours. His heart was open to hearing about a Hope that would never fade. We talked at length of the offer Jesus makes to one and all and how Christ had reorganized the priorities of my life and revolutionized the path and destiny of my life. Ryan insisted that he wasn't good enough to yet accept this and needed to sort some things out in his heart and mind. Knowing someone personally who specializes in healing sick people I passed along the promises of Mark 2:17. Since, the Great Physician has been working to replace Ryan's heart of stone with a living regenerated heart of flesh! At the end of our time today, Ryan said, "I know I want to know God more and get that area of my life better. I will do this soon, so, how can I accept Jesus into my heart? What do I have to do?" I responded by telling him of Romans 10:9 and the ABC's-- Admit, Believe & Confess. Praise God.
Also a week ago, I sat down for coffee with "Steve" a junior. {A special note of thanks here to many of you who have been faithfully financially supporting our ministry to make meetings like these possible without a burden on our personal finances. Your giving is reaping an eternal harvest!} Steve has grown up in the church and has really put together quite an impressive resume for himself. Having secured an internship in his field of study and being introduced to numerous contacts he will have his pick of the job opportunity litter. Steve's hard work has paid off. Among Steve's efforts include intentionally each and every day doing something selfless for someone else, or taking special notice of other's good works.
When asked what evidence he had for an invitation into Heaven with God Steve said that he has faith and that he knows that he has been doing a long list of good works. In other words: Faith + Good Works = Salvation. Steve sees what others do with their lives and intentionally makes sure his life is a step or two or three better than theirs, PLUS he has faith in God. In his view, if he were to have one or the other and not both Steve would not be qualified for Heaven but would instead be stuck in purgatory.
As the picture above alludes we must receive grace not earn it. Steve and I talked about the equation that the Bible lays out for our heavenly invitation, Faith = Salvation = Good Works. Apart from faith in Christ Steve's good deeds may as well be filthy rags in the sight of the Lord. (Is. 64:6) Instead Steve's good works should stem from a faith that is real and is growing, they're a byproduct not an ingredient!
This doesn't even begin to touch the outreach opportunities we have seen with women! If interested, we'd love to share more but in the interest of avoiding carpel tunnel I will sign off.
Friends, thank you so very much for laying the groundwork for these stories by your giving and praying, it is truly a privilege to be laboring with you!