The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney
Reminding ourselves of the gospel is the most important daily habit we can establish. If the gospel is the most vital news in the world, and if salvation by grace is the defining truth of our existence, we should create ways to immerse ourselves in these truths every day. No days off allowed.
In his book The Discipline of Grace Jerry Bridges calls this "preaching the gospel to yourself." Don't worry- even if you don't consider yourself a public speaker, you can do this. Your audience is your own heart. And the message is simple: Christ died for your sins. "To preach the gospel to yourself, "Bridges explains, "means that you continually own up to your own sinfulness and then flee to Jesus through faith in His shed blood and righteous life."
It's a matter of sitting yourself down, grabbing your own attention, and saying, "Hey, self, listen up! This is what matters most: You're forgiven! You have hope! Your hope is based on the sacrifice of Jesus. So let's not view this day any other way. Let this day be governed by this one defining truth."